christian parenting blog

Welcome, friends. This is a place where Christian women of all backgrounds and life experiences gather for encouragement, laughter, and the priceless assurance that we are not alone, no matter how ridiculous this life feels. Single gals, divorced women, war-torn moms of teens (SO many prayers!) those of us struggling in marriage…this life has so many “special” challenges we were never meant to traverse alone. 

God is enough. But we still need connection.  I’ve had to lean on sisters and friends through so many difficult seasons, and I started this Christian blog after realizing not everyone has that kind of support. So this is my small contribution… a judge-free community offering comfort, laughter and truth meant to cheer each other on through both the valleys, and the victories. We might never meet, but my virtual heart is full, and I’m so glad you’re here.

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Sign up to be part of my e-family to receive your free digital copy of my book, “Hiding From the Kids In My Prayer Closet: Finding Grace and Humor, When Motherhood Gets Real.” We don’t spam friends here…just my new blog sent to your inboxonce a week. xo 

Hiding from My Kids in My Prayer Closet: Finding Grace and Laughter When Motherhood Gets Real is a raw and hilarious manifesto on what motherhood is really like for the “UnMom”a mom who loves her kids more than she loves the daily experience of mothering. This unorthodox Christian parenting book encourages readers to ditch the perfection and enjoy being the mothers God made them to be.

Meet me on my social media profiles:

christian parenting blog

Blended family and christian parenting

This blog offers advice, inspiration and comfort for Christian women dealing with…well, life. Christian parenting struggles. Mom guilt. Relationship strife. Anxiety & fear. Marriage fails. The yearning for sanity and peace in an increasingly ludicrous world. The issues are endless because we’re women, and frankly, we’re tired. And as our XX chromosomes would have it, we tend to bear it all. 

This site should feel like a soulful chat between friends being legit real with each other because there’s so much freedom in sharing.  The older I get, the more convinced I am of God’s goodness and more determined to share it. There is so much freedom in sharing our experiences, and I hope every word here leaves you feeling more empowered, encouraged and hopeful than when you came.

About me

  I work full time, so on most days, after Uber XL’ing my kids around, ensuring their best lives, I find myself with one eye open, torn between my two loves…my hot tub, and writing. I believe my purpose in life is to encourage women through the written word. I’ve been walking with Jesus for 20 years now, but my love language is still sarcasm, and you’ll never find any rosy-colored fluff on this site. I cannot cook, I hate cleaning and I can’t keep a cactus alive. But here I am, and God is Good…all the time. Visit my about page, for more. : )   

Matthew 6:33…”Seek first the Kingdom of d and all else will be given to you.” 

Blog for Christian Woman
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