
Hi. I’m Jess. : ) I started this blog to help others find joy, even from the trenches. I’m a slightly unhinged soul who’s thankfully experienced enough victory and freedom in God to share with anyone on a similar journey towards authenticity over surface level togetherness.  

Raising kids and balancing the demands of this increasingly ludicrous world is hard enough without succumbing to fear, negativity and the need for perfection. God is bigger than our weakness and problems (even if you have teens!) so we might as well dance in the kitchen instead of freaking out when yet another dinner catches fire. Preferably to late 90’s R & B. Because Jesus understands.

My gifts are few, but I believe God’s given me a heightened ability to feel His goodness no matter how ugly or bleak the circumstance. Either that or I have dissociative disorder. Really prayin’ it’s the former. I believe laughter is the most under-estimated gift from God. It combats spiritual heaviness, and it heals, unites, and transports us into God’s resting state, which is joy.

This site should feel like a soulful chat between friends being courageously real with each other, laughing at the crazy, and embracing the broken, messy parts of each other, because we are His, and He’s got this.  Thanks for being here. xo

“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy.”-Psalm 30:11

My Loves…

The three pieces of my heart, Eli, Kenai, and Jack.


My Passion 

Writing has always been my happy place, and signing my first book in 2017 was a dream come true. 

My Weakness

Avocados. I drove to the store in a nor’easter last year after discovering I couldn’t make guac. I dunno. 

My Mantra

“Seek First the Kingdom of God, and all else shall be given to you.” Nuff said!