God's limitless ability to redefine your life

I absolutely love the concept of a fresh start. The idea that no matter what life has looked like up until this moment, we can start anew, with better habits, attitudes, dreams and endeavors. It might sound a bit “rainbows and butterflies” to some, but the power of a fresh start can be found all throughout the Bible and in so many of God’s promises, like in Isaiah 61:3. Yet how many of us really believe we have the ability, through God’s grace to think and act like a brand-new being, starting tomorrow?

I think we can become so hung up on our failures, sins, disappointments, and regrets, that after enough time, we lose faith, and even forget about God’s ability to restore every part of our lives. Logically, we know God keeps no records of wrongs, and his mercies are new every morning. But often shame, disappointment and disillusionment cloud our ability to see life through His eyes.

The first place to start, when trying for a fresh start, is our minds. According to a study by the National Science Foundation, around 80 percent of our thoughts are negative. Eighty percent! No wonder we never quite feel like our “best selves.” We’re tainting our destiny with our thought life. This is exactly the concept Proverbs 23:7 is referring to, when King Solomon states “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” In other words, if we entertain doubts and fears that we’ll always have a loveless marriage, or always struggle financially, we probably will. Because our thoughts dictate our actions.

Author Jennie Allen brilliantly explores the correlation between our reality and thought life in her bestselling book, Get Out of Your Head, contesting that the greatest spiritual battleground right now, in 2024, is our thought life. If the enemy controls our thoughts about Him, our identity, and the world around us, then we’re easily kept from the abundant life God wants for us.

A bit depressing, but here’s the amazing news. Ultimately, we have the power. We have a choice on what thoughts we allow to settle, ruminate, and inhabit shelf life in our minds. In Christ we have the ability to start thinking differently, today. It may sound a bit daunting or unrealistic, but according to 2 Corinthians 10:5, every thought (I’m not attractive enough to find a man”….”I know this will end in divorce”…”I’ve failed as a mother”) should be examined for Godly accuracy. If it doesn’t line up with what the Bible says, then we make it obedient to the Word. This process takes time and continual effort, but according to Scripture and science, we can train our minds to think differently.

The same premise is taught in Romans 12:22, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” When we continually infuse truth into our minds, new neural pathways full of life and freedom begin to form, serving as the foundation for whatever do-over we seek. A formerly jealous mind can become a contented one. A formerly addictive personality can become a self-controlled one. A formerly apathic mind can become passionate one. The change is limitless.

Consider taking a solid chunk of time to think about what thought patterns are limiting you from the life you want. What repetitive emotions (because thoughts give birth to emotions) are in conflict with the spirit of Jesus? Are you being tormented over decisions you made regarding your kids in the past? What attitudes about your marriage or your job do you want to drop? What truths do you need to replace with lies, apprehension, and negativity?

Thank the Lord, through his infinite mercy and restorative power, we all can become new creations in the very next breath we take…but we have to think before we become.


Jessica Kastner is an award-winning journalist, author and contributor to the Christian Broadcasting Network, Huff Post, God TV, Beliefnet, Crosswalk and many more. When she's not burning dinner, daydreaming about the beach, she can be found on the trampoline with her copious amount of children, wishing she'd ordered the turbo shot.

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