I think some people might wonder why Christians make such a big deal about God. What’s all the fuss about? Yes, He probably created the …
Grow Your Faith
Top 5 Biblical Promises that Banish Fear
When I think about the root cause of so many mistakes and spiritual pitfalls in my life, the source seems to be the one and …
How Daily Time with God will Change Your Life
Last New Year’s I decided to start the year off with a spiritual bang and commit a formerly-believed act of cheesiness by choosing a ‘year …
Sometimes the Best Prayers are the Unanswered Ones
In an instant-gratification-addicted world, where we need and want answers, meals, information and almost everything instantly, we sometimes treat our prayer life the same way. …
Stay Closer to God in 2020…
I love New Years. Something about new beginnings and new chances to improve always gives me a feeling of hope and excitement. It’s almost as invigorating …
How to Stop Negativity in its Tracks
Negativity is a natural human response. Especially nowadays when we’re surrounded by viral outbreaks, terror threats, and a spirit of worldliness that seems to be …
Praying Over Strangers Not Your Thing? I Hear ya.
I recently had the most incredible God moment of my sorted life; ironically not during a church or ministry activity, but at the movie theater while …
3 Characteristics of God Every Heart Needs to Know
I think the world would look drastically different if most people knew who God really is, and the nature of his thoughts, intentions, and his …
Why Moms Need Prayer Even More Than Sleep
What makes the best kids is the best you. At the risk of sounding all Joel Osteen, I believe the number one way to be …